
     One problem that we refer to as a fungal nail infection. It is the most common infections of the nails. About 8% of the adult population are now suffering from a fungal nail infection. Expression of nail fungus nail is usually thick, yellow and becomes ugly. In severe cases, the nail may have an odor.
       There are four different types of nail fungus are :

  1. Candidal Onychomycosis suffering from an infection of Candida (yeast) platform.

  2.Superficial White Onychomycosis (SWO) occurs when fungi infect the top layer of the nail.

  3. Proximal Subungual Onychomycosis (PSO) occurs when the cuticle nail fungal infection. This type of nail fungus occurs more commonly in people with weakened immune systems.

  4. Distal Subungual Onychomycosis (DSO) is the most common cause of onychomycosis. First we will be infections in the nail surface and then the fungus will spread to other parts of the nail.

       Onychomycosis can be caused by dermatophytes, candida, and non-dermatophytic molds. Dermatophytes Trichophyton rubrum is the most common, in addition to Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Epidermophyton floccosum. Candida infection usually occurs with people who do the work are exposed to water.

       Onychomycosis due to mold common in many tropical regions of the world. Factors to a person's risk for the use of footwear, age, medical conditions such as diabetes and poor circulation, immunodeficiency (HIV) infection, trauma and climate warm.

       Nail fungus treatment can be a long process since the nail infection treatment . we have many treatments from topical treatment by doctors and specialists, and even medication. Oral medications include Lamisil antifungal agent, it is a drug with the highest efficiency. Before using this medication, because the dosage is very strong, so you should have a blood test to check liver enzymes (AST and ALT) to confirm that you are healthy enough to take medication.

       The latest form of treatment is laser nail fungus. Current research continues to this treatment, it is being studied and shown to be a highly effective method.
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