4 foods can shorten your life

Everyone wants to know the secret to living longer. But not knowing fed and healthy is a way for us to extend life.

But you do not know that some food reduces your life expectancy life, the food that harm your every cell, these foods called telomere.Khi your cells regenerate, telomeres get shorter over time. When telomeres shorten it can activate normal cell activity and death, and the shorter the telomere-related conditions such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. The study also found that lifestyle factors such as diet can speed up (or slow) process of shortening, which is sometimes regarded as an "aging clock."

Four types of food can contribute to shortened telomeres, so it may be best to limit the drain for a long and healthy life.

1. Soda :

Sweetened soft drinks are bad news for the telomeres. To put that in perspective, that's the same amount of aging research related to smoking. Drink an 8-ounce soft drinks daily had a smaller impact: it was associated with an additional 1.9 years of aging. While the researchers did not find a tie between telomeres and no sugar diet soda, it could not be any better for you. Research shows that diet soft drinks daily was associated with 67% higher risk of type 2 diabetes and artificial sweeteners can increase sugar cravings, too.

2. Meat processing :

A no-no for telomeres are processed meats, such as salami and sausages. The researchers found that those who consumed one or more sections of processed meat per week had shorter telomeres than those who do not eat meat.

3. Red meat :

Higher amounts of red meat, like burgers and kebabs, has long been associated with heart disease and cancer, and may be associated with its effect on telomeres. Red meat in the diet of rats is related to telomere length reduction in intestinal cells. Similar results are also shown for white meat, red meat, although a greater impact. Good news: diet including resistant starch, a good carb to help you burn fat, weaken the influence of red meat already on telomeres. Many reasons to fill the resistant starch-rich foods, including bananas, and lentils.

4. Wine :

Like red meat, alcohol is also a bad rap for its connection with chronic health conditions. The researchers looked at the DNA in the serum of individuals abusing alcohol (22% had four or more drinks per day) and those with more moderate use of alcohol. Is significantly shorter telomeres in people who drink a lot. In fact, they were not half the telomeres of abuse (0.41 versus 0.79 relative units), so it is a good idea to pay attention to how much you drink. Best health when you care nail okie.

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