This is one question most frequently discussed: What products contaminated much by most pesticide residues? These foods, fruits and vegetables we should ascertain before you buy?

The following foods are foods that contain high concentrations of substances harmful to health should avoid:

1. Training:

Digging contain high levels of iprodione, a substance that can cause cancer to us, and methyl parathion, an endocrine substances influence by pesticides. Concentration of chemicals in the training can endanger always exceed standards set by the chemist.

2. Apples:

Apples, is a food containing methyl parathion. Both fresh apples and apple sauce (ie water extracted from apples) may contain chlorpyrifos, substances that can cause the death of a great bird. We must know and use the correct insofar as his apple, should not exceed the limits

3. Spring Training:

Nectarine fruits is the highest percentage of samples test positive for pesticides (97.3 percent) in the EWG tested. Pesticides were found including chlorpyrifos, fenarimol, iprodione, malathion, methidathion, myclobutanil, parathion and pirimicarb. It is the fruit may cause a big impact on your body.

4. Strawberries:

Strawberries are usually processed with the fungicide captan, a carcinogen that may occur can irritate the skin and eyes, and very toxic to fish.

5. Le:

Le, both fresh and in baby food may contain methyl parathion, azinphos-methyl as well, which is very toxic to freshwater fish, amphibians and bees, and it can affect both humans, especially children.

6. Bell Peppers (Sweet Peppers):

Apparently there is an eye-catching color and a flavor easy to eat. Sweet and not spicy, but when planted, it is common to use large amounts of pesticides to grow and beautiful peppers, so there are a lot of components of pesticides or chemicals that may affect health. We should consider carefully before using this category.

7. Celery:

Celery has a high proportion of the samples tested positive for pesticides and a high probability of having multiple pesticides in a single sample. It is very dangerous and we should avoid.

8. Grapes imported:

Imported grapes contain methyl parathion, dimethoate, and methomyl, insecticides can cause endocrine disorders. However, the export of grapes are carefully considered and attention problems.

9. Spinach:

Spinach has been tested and found to contain dimethoate and permethrin, a substance that can cause cancer in humans.

10. Potatoes:

Potatoes can contain dieldrin and methamidophos. Kids eat potatoes also received high-dose risk aldicarb. Very dangerous and should only eat potatoes at a certain level.

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