5 tips for a heathly skin

Good skin care means you have to keep your skin free from harmful effects of the environment, and to always take care of your skin carefully. If you do not have time to take care of your skin intensive as the salon or spa, you try to go simple method. It would also be very effective there. Good skin care and healthy lifestyle choices can help delay the natural aging process and prevent various skin problems. Let's start with the method of small but effective it this high.

1. Against the sun affect your skin:

One of the most important ways to care for your skin is to protect it from the sun. Sun exposure can cause skin wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems such as increased risk of skin cancer.

Please use the following measures to sunscreens:

- Use sunscreen. When outdoors under strong sunlight, you use sunscreen to reduce the harmful effects of sunlight on the skin yourselves.

- Search the shade. You should avoid sun 10:00 to 4:00, when the sun's rays are the strongest and most influential skin.

- Wear protective clothing. You should wear long-sleeved shirts, and brimmed hat. And should also see your detergent products that support UV or not you should use the washing powder you use anti UV, it will be useful to you.

2. Do not smoke:

- Smoking makes your skin becomes more wrinkled and worse. When you smoke, gradually narrowing blood vessels and blood flow becomes difficult. Meanwhile, in skin blood flow and you will be hard skin you can see the lifeless. Smoking also damages collagen and elastin - the fibers give your skin strength and elasticity of it. If you are smoking, the best way to protect your skin is to quit.

3. Treat your skin gently:

- Clean the skin and shave your everyday offline. And please remember, gentle shave, use shaving cream so special, and aftershave, please moisture balance and smooth skin there, because you're affecting it.

- You should limit bath time. Showers or hot water for too long will affect the oil in your skin layer, you should only warm water bath offline. It's good for your skin there.

- Avoid soaps with strong detergents. Soaps and harsh detergents can remove oils from your skin. Instead, choose a mild cleanser.
- Always provide adequate moisture to the skin, if your skin is dry, use a moisturizing cream, do not let dry skin, keep a humidifier is suitable for it.

4. Healthy Diet reasonable:

Healthy diet is the key to beautiful skin. You eat and supplement the body with food and vitamins good for skin and beauty skin care.

5. Controlling emotions:

You take control of his emotions. Let the mind are relaxed and not thinking much better for you and your skin. According to the researchers, when you stress too much or have a lot of pressure, you will pimples and your skin will be damaged and the damage goes. You should control the emotions and the pressure for her to have a beautiful skin offline.
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