13 Heathly Liver Tips

A healthy liver is based on a healthy diet, regular exercise, breathe fresh air, and avoid problems that can cause liver damage. Try to take care of your liver, knows what is beneficial and what is harmful to your liver. You should take the initiative to take care of your liver, it is useful for you to do the trick.

  • Healthy diet:

- Try to divide and distribute the nutrient-rich foods into sections: flavonoids, magnesium, iron, sulfate, selenium and vitamin B. These important nutrients help the liver to detoxify the body and help to better liver. Building a healthy diet with complex carbohydrates and lean protein is great. Eat more salads, beans, soft drinks, fried foods cooked in olive oil, seeds and nuts, it would be very helpful.

  • Use organic food:

- If possible you should buy organic foods as much as possible. Research shows that fruits and organic vegetables are more than 40% of antioxidants, iron and zinc than conventional products. Plus organic milk from animals that contain more than 90% of antioxidants.

  • Determine the amount of protein in your body:

- Your body needs protein, but consuming too much protein and it accumulates in the liver and interferes with your brain function. To determine how many grams of protein you should eat your daily using methods and weight division problems. And, try to get protein from plants, nuts and dairy products instead of meat, vegetable protein will greatly benefit your liver there.

  • Carbohydrate counting your calories:

- Too many carbs can cause the accumulation of fat in your liver and extra hepatic dysfunction. We recommend that you read the label of ingredients in the foods you use carefully, let's cut back on salt.

  • Less use of stimulants:

- You should reduce the use of stimulants such as tea or coffee, it is one of the issues that affect the liver. Instead, drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.

  • Eating foods high in antioxidants:

- You should add the broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, soybeans, artichokes into your diet. Antioxidants can prevent free radicals and helps detoxify harmful cells. Artichoke acts as a blood purifier and has been shown to reduce cholesterol, triglycerides and blood products other metabolic wastes.

  • Vitamin A and D:

- Too much vitamin A and D can create excessive pressure on your liver. Please restrain it.

  • Avoid antibiotics or antacids:

- Antibiotics kill good bacteria in the stomach and intestines, antacids may weaken your digestive acids. That reduces the processing capabilities of the stomach, intestines and digestive system, and of course it was not good for the liver at all.

  • Beware of alcohol and acetaminophen:

- Never take acetaminophen with alcohol. The combination has the potential to cause harm to your liver cells.

  • Stay away from alcohol, tobacco and other drugs illegal:

- All of us know that alcohol, tobacco and drug use illegal would create problems extremely detrimental to our liver cells. Therefore, you should avoid them.

  • Take Milk Thistle to protect the liver :

- Milk Thistle contains silymarin, which enhances the cell membrane and enhance the ability of the liver to repair itself. Silymarin acts as an antioxidant by promoting the growth of new liver cells.

  • A dose of activated charcoal twice a week :

- Activated charcoal can absorb anything it comes in contact, including toxins, it will benefit the ban.Tuy purify the liver, it should not be associated with food and drugs.

  • Stay away from environmental pollutants :

- When using paint thinners, bug spray and other types of environmental contaminants else please make sure you have good ventilation, use a respirator, and the whole skin you, and when you stick chemicals should be washed immediately with soap and water.
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