10 Natural Tips For Healthier Hair

1. Mark your hair 100 times a night.

The reason to brush your hair 100 times in one night because it is very beneficial for the hair. Comb your hair with a good quality brush from root to first distribute the natural oils of your hair to the hair shaft and makes hair shiny, manageable, and less prone to breakage. In fact, you can eliminate some hair care products if you can brush your hair 100 times a night. Make sure you start brushing your hair starting from the foot and gently bring to comprehend tops, this will ensure you that your wedding will be a messy process a slight gently ..

2. Use a boar bristles.

You should not use any type of brush for brushing of your hair 100 times, you should use a brush from boar bristles. It will be more expensive than the ordinary toothbrush, but the amount of hair on the brush will be more and more tender than normal toothbrush, and it also used to be more durable and really good for your hair. Construction thick is their secret is capable of removing dirt, dust and debris from hair and move your natural oils along the hair shaft, hair a bit mainly for cleaning without need shampoo (you'll want to clean your pig bristles as this often). Boar bristles have a tough but flexible bristles that are great for smoothing and taming frizzy hair even. And do not worry, they will not be removed from your hair as long as you start at the bottom and slowly move your way until you can stroke through from root to tip.

3. Do not brush your hair when it is wet:

Wet hair is weaker than dry hair, so never brush your teeth or using a fine-toothed comb your hair when it is wet. After washing and towel dry your hair, just use a wide tooth comb to detangle it's there if you must.

4. Police shampoo your business

Many people do not realize the lax federal regulations related to beauty products, including shampoos, apart from a list of required components. It's up to you to decide if the components are listed as safe for you. Many shampoos you can buy in stores contain harmful ingredients, and do not be fooled if the word "natural" appears on the bottle. The word "natural" is not regulated, and anyone can use the word no matter what the product contains. Artificial and dried fragrance, artificial colors and toxic cleaners can damage the hair, requires buy "products" to remedy such damage. Sodium laurel sulfate components such, parabens, and benzyl benzoate (and similar) are just a few of the common shampoo ingredients related to cancer, skin irritation, and even birth defects.

But maybe you're not a chemist, so what to do? Look for ingredients you can pronounce and know what they are. And fortunately there are resources online that evaluate the safety of the product for us, as GoodGuide, allowing shoppers to discover the products that are healthy, safe, green , and even social responsibility. The GoodGuide includes everything from shampoo, food, electronics and even cars. Go to GoodGuide and type "shampoo" in the search and you will find a list of commercial shampoos and their ratings.

Baking soda, white vinegar (you can also use apple cider vinegar) and oil as an alternative to commercial shampoo and malicious.
BAKING SODA, white vinegar (YOU CAN ALSO USE apple cider vinegar) and oil AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO TRADE Shampoos and read.

5. Avoid shampoo commercial

If you want to be super safe, do not use shampoo commercial; some using shampoo and avoid washing their hair instead of baking soda and vinegar to-see my article "Tips and Tricks to Go Free Shampoo" for more on this method. But note, the local water chemistry and create individual hair plays a part in this method, and testing is necessary to determine what amount of each is the right mix for your hair.

If this sounds difficult, you can make or buy your shampoo bar or liquid Castile soap. Bar soaps shampoos often contain no toxins found in shampoo commercial (but check the label) and do just as good a job (or better) clean hair. Castile Liquid Soap is imitating the methods and wash with shampoo liquid as it can be in liquid form as well as a bar.

6. Deep condition once a week

A state of deep hot oil hair improving management and shine while reducing breakage; is easy and can be combined with household chores. Simply take about 1/4 cup of your favorite essential oil (olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, etc.), heated until it feels warm but not too hot to handle with your hands . Once it is warm, your hair is saturated with it, from root to tip, using your fingers. Do not be shy about it, you will be washing it out later. Put all of the hair on top of your head, wrap your head in plastic wrap or wear a shower cap, and then wrap your entire head in a towel. The plastic will trap heat and towel around your head, and allows the oils to penetrate into the hair fiber. Ideally, you want to leave it sit for a few hours, but even 30 minutes will help. When time is up, rinse as usual. You may need to wash twice to remove all the oil (if you are using baking soda / vinegar to wash your hair, add some liquid Castile soap mixture into the baking soda to remove oil helps lot).

A mask provided by egg proteins or other components will help reduce frizz.

7. Add protein for curly hair

If your hair is curly particularly, replacement of hot oil treatment with a protein mask once a week. Mix the yolks of two eggs with a little warm water (not hot, you do not want to cook the eggs). Using your fingers, massage it into the scalp and hair. Wrap your head in plastic wrap or a shower cap, and then wrap your head in a towel. Leave it sit in your hair for an hour, then rinse in warm water for cooling water (again, you do not want to cook the eggs). You can also use a mixture of banana and butter for this, or mayonnaise, but only eggs and oil.

8. Use in hair oil

Just a few drops is all you need (use will only make your hair greasy unnecessary) to impart shine and reduce frizz. There are hair oils on the market (argan oil is very popular nowadays), but you can easily make your own with olive oil, and if you want, some oil. Just put two or three drops of oil in the palm of your hand, rub your hands together, then smooth over your hair, paying attention to the ends.

9. Treat dandruff naturally: Unfortunately, there is no cure for dandruff, which is a skin disorder known as seborrheic dermatitis. But you can treat dandruff to manage the symptoms. If you want to avoid chemicals found in over-the-counter dandruff shampoos, there are other things you can try.

Tea tree oil has been proven to treat dandruff. Add about 20 drops of tea tree oil to your hair bottle of detergent, or keep a bottle of tea tree oil in the bathroom and use two or more drops every time you shampoo. In addition, you can also add about 20 drops of tea tree oil to 1/4 cup olive oil, rub it into your scalp, wrap your head and sleep on it. Normal wash in the morning. You can use this as a "jump start" your dandruff treatment.

Apple cider vinegar is a safe option has been shown to help with dandruff. Rub apple cider vinegar on your scalp (diluted with 50% water, if you have sensitive skin), wrap your head in a shower cap or plastic, then in a towel. Leave to sit for about an hour, then wash. Do this once a week or so to keep dandruff under control.

If these options do not work, you can choose an old fashioned tar soap bar. Tar Soap has been used as an effective dandruff treatment for hundreds of years and is recommended by dermatologists for skin disorders such as scabies and ring worm. Tar Soap is also recommended for the treatment of lice. But, in fact, made from coal; it may smell bad and it can stain light hair a darker color. Used with low doses, scientific studies have shown that tar soap is safe to treat the condition properly, it can cause skin irritation in some people, and I personally would only use use it as a last resort.

10. Eat your hair

Your hair is a barometer of health if your hair is dull and lifeless it could mean that your body is good. In the past, people eat food as close to Earth as possible, and we should, too. Nutrition from the full spectrum of colors, ensure that you are getting the vitamins and minerals needed for healthy hair. A balanced diet, including healthy oils for essential fatty acids, important for hair health and shine. Make sure you are eating a food on a regular basis, such as salmon, walnuts, and yogurt, sweet potatoes, spinach, blueberries Vietnamese fruit, and more every day to get the level of protein, zinc, vitamins and minerals you need for locking happy.
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