Art Nail for 2016

Today's test brief is geometric. I needed to endeavor some sacrosanct geometry, and a brisk Google look uncovered that I would most likely have the least demanding time endeavoring a Flower of Life outline. Obviously, I knew regardless it would not have been a stroll in the recreation center, and was it not, as well as it was effectively truly super difficult! Getting those petals even and separated pleasantly was H-A-R-D!

I utilized the three creme shades from the new Deborah Lippmann Roar Collection for my shading palette.

I started with a base of Deborah Lippmann She Wolf, a rich beige. The equation was brilliant, incidentally, went on easily and equitably and secured in two coats.

Next, I included the freehanding with Deborah Lippmann Miss Independent (purple) and Respect (red). I mixed the two shades together in equivalent amounts of for the center of the nails where they meet.

A year ago was the main year that included "geometric" as a brief (changed from "tribal" to be all the more socially delicate). I picked a handpainted geometric angle outline comparative in style to this one, really!
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