Food to boost Vitamin A !

1. How many?

Vitamin A as the money form of vitamin A (commonly known as retinol) and provitamin A carotenoids such as (such as alpha-carotene and beta-carotene) form of vitamin A in the body. Because of the different forms and requirements of vitamin A are expressed in terms of retinol equivalents.

Recommended diet (RDI) for vitamin A (retinol equivalents in) per day:

- Women: 700 mcg (micrograms).
- Men: 900 mcg.

2. Why do we need them?

Vitamin A plays an important role for your eyes, health, cell differentiation and function, including fertility. And it also plays a huge role in preventing cancer and heart disease.

3. We can get too much Vitamin A!

Process before the formation of vitamin A can be toxic particularly dangerous for the unborn child. While high intakes of beta-carotene can cause yellow skin, it was not related to toxicity.

How to get it?

Pre-formed vitamin A is often found in fat in dairy products, liver and some fatty fish. Carotenoids are found in plants, mainly dark green leafy vegetables and some fruits and orange and yellow fruits and vegetables.

Each of these foods provide about 350mcg of vitamin A.

1/2 carrot
2 red peppers
5 eggs
1 1/2 cups raw (or 1/3 cup cooked) spinach or silver beet
1 teaspoon chicken liver cooked
1/3 cup toasted pumpkin
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