Fungal infections.

Fungal nail infection (onychomycosis) occurs when one or more nail fungal infection. The disease accounts for about half of all cases of nail disease, occurs when the foundation must continually exposed to warm, moist environments. The disease is difficult to treat and may recur.

  • Signs and symptoms :

 * Expression about onychomycosis :

- Thick
- Brittle, brittle chips
- Deformation
- Flat and dull, lost in light
- Nails are yellow, green, brown or black due to accumulation of debris under the nail.
- Nail disease can be peeled off from the foundation. There may be a slight pain at the top of the toes and fingers slightly foul smell in the foundation.

  • Cause :

Disease caused by a fungus causing dermatophytes group. But yeasts and molds also can cause disease. Fungus can penetrate through the nail and scratch between the foundation and cause disease only if the nails constantly exposed to hot and humid environments.

Onychomycosis common in toenails than fingernails because legs confined in a dark environment, the shoes are hot and humid. Another reason is poor circulation in toenails than in fingernails.

  • Tests and diagnosis :

- When you suspect a fungal nail infection, your doctor will scrape the diseased nail to bring sampling microscopy or culture to detect fungi.

  • Treatment :

- Drug
- Itraconazole
- Fluconazole
- Terbinafine

- These medications help a new nail no ill will gradually replace the old nails. Usually must take medicine from 6-12 weeks to see results but only treated when the new nail grows in full. It can take from 4-12 months to eliminate the disease. Do not use the drug for people with liver disease, congestive heart failure or who are taking certain other medicines.

- Nail Fungicides: Ciclopirox (Penlac) thuonndung for mild cases of fungal infections. The drug is applied to the infected nails and surrounding skin 1 time / day. After 7 days using alcohol to shake away the old layer and apply a new layer. May have to take it to a year or more to eliminate the disease.

- Topical medicines such as nitrates Econazole. Topical medications usually do not cure but can be used in combination with oral medications.

- If nails are too sick and causes more pain, surgical removal may be old nails. The new nail will eventually grow up instead.

  • Prevention : 

- Keep nails short, dry and clean.

- Appropriate socks: All made ​​of synthetic fibers help keep feet dry moisture removal than all cotton or all wool. Regularly replacing all. Occasionally shoe is breathable leg.

- Use sprays or antifungal powder

- Wear rubber gloves when your hands have a long soak in water

- No cutting or stinging in the skin around the nail

- Do not go barefoot in public places.

- Wash your hands after touching infected nail.
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